
Showing posts from January, 2022
   WHAT IS A DRUG? A drug is any substance that, once ingested, alters the way the body functions.  WHAT IS AN ILLEGAL DRUG? When a drug is labelled as "illegal," it means it is prohibited by law. People are affected differently by different illegal drugs, and these effects are altered by a variety of circumstances. This makes them unpredictable and dangerous, particularly to children and teenagers.  WHAT IS DRUG ADDICTION OR ABUSE? Drug addiction, also known as substance use disorder, is an illness that affects a person's brain and behavior, resulting in an inability to manage the use of any drug or prescription, whether legal or illicit. Drugs include substances such as alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine. When you're hooked on a drug, you may continue to use it even if it causes you harm. 
   TEEN DRUG ABUSE The rate of drinking, smoking, and drug usage among Filipino teens is relatively high, according to reports. 55 percent of 15–24-year-olds have ever been drunk, 38 percent have ever smoked, and 6% have ever used drugs.
    NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF MISUSING OR ABUSING DRUGS Abusing and misusing drugs have a negative effect on our physical health and also on our mental health. Below are the following effects of this: Mental health disorders Drug abuse can exacerbate or heighten the risk of mental illnesses like sadness and anxiety. Drug dependence Teens who abuse drugs have a higher risk of developing a serious addiction later in life. Changes in school performance Substance use can result in a decline in academic performance. Poor judgement  Teenage drug use is associated with poor judgement in social and personal interactions.  Sexual activity   Drug use is associated with high-risk sexual activity, unsafe sex and unplanned pregnancy.  Changes in school performance   Substance use can result in a decline in academic performance.
WAYS TO PREVENT DRUG ADDICTION/ABUSE Know what your teen is up to.        Keep track of your teen's whereabouts. Find out what kinds of adult-supervised activities your teen enjoys and encourage him or her to participate in them. Set a positive example for the youngsters.       If you must consume alcohol, do it in moderation. Follow the directions on your prescription medication. Don't experiment with illegal substances. Get to know your teen's friends.        If your teen's peers take drugs, he or she may feel pressured to try them as well. Set a positive example for the youngsters.  If you must consume alcohol, do it in moderation. Follow the directions on your prescription medication. Don't experiment with illegal substances. Create a set of rules and consequences.  Explain your family norms, such as avoiding attending a party where drugs are being used and not travelling in a car with a drugged driver. If your teen disobeys the rules, make sure the punishments